
영국대학(학부) 학점 점수 범위

jeanson 2010. 3. 5. 09:06


General Marking Scheme Guidelines for Undergraduate Courses


영국대학에서, 최소 10페이지 이상의 소논문에 해당하는 에세이 형식의 기말시험에서 First 이상을 받는다는건 정말 힘들고 어려운 일이죠. 



90-100% Excellent First

Work that is outstanding in all aspects. Answer is thoroughly independent, original andinsightful. Work of this standard is in the highest range of the class.



80-89% High First

Exemplary work, that is highly accurate, analytical and critical in its approach. Answer demonstrates an illuminating use of sources and thorough mastery of the subject matter.


75-79% Clear First

Excellent work that is very accurate and fully answers the question set. Answer demonstrates a well-developed ability to analyse, synthesise and apply relevant knowledge and concepts. Superior understanding is shown through the use of sources and/or examples to illustrate points and to justify arguments.



70-74% First

Highly competent work that provides a near-full answer to the question set. Answer is well-structured and coherent, and demonstrates the ability to identify key issues, analyse and apply knowledge and concepts effectively. Wider reading and appreciation of the subject matter is evident. Free of all but very minor errors.


60-69% 2.1

A good piece of work that demonstrates a sound grasp of the subject matter - though possibly lacking the breadth and depth expected of a mark in the first class range. Most aspects of the question are covered. A good attempt at analysis, synthesis and application of relevant knowledge and concepts is evident. Work is competent in most respects, though there may be minor errors. Ideas are expressed with clarity and coherence.



50-59% 2.2

A fair piece of work, showing an understanding of the key elements of the subject matter though there may be some gaps in knowledge or areas of confusion evident. Answer overs the basic ideas of the question set. There may be some attempt at analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge and concepts -
but this may lack insight or rely
too heavily on course materials. Work may contain some errors.  Ability to tackle questions and issues not previously encountered may be limited.



40-49% Third

An adequate piece of work, which demonstrates some familiarity with the subject matter.

Answer covers only the basic requirements of the question. There may be major gaps in knowledge and/or serious misconceptions. Ideas may be confused or poorly expressed.


There is limited evidence of analysis, synthesis or application of knowledge. Answer demonstrates an inability to address questions and issues not previously encountered and/or parrots course material.



30-39% Compensatable Fail


Work which marginally fails to reach the standard required for a third class mark at the appropriate level (40%), but which the examiner(s) would consider it appropriate to condone, provided the necessary conditions for compensation are present. Answer identifies a number of relevant issues, but fails to show a grasp of relevant concepts and displays (whether implicitly or explicitly) major gaps in knowledge.  Limited understanding and/or familiarity with the subject matter.


20-29% Outright Fail

Work which fails to reach the standard required of a third class mark at the appropriate level, and which the examiner(s) would not be prepared to condone.

Answer fails to address the question set but may demonstrate some understanding of the general subject. Contains many significant errors or totally inadequate in terms of quantity.

10-19% Serious Fail

Answer is largely irrelevant, but may display some knowledge of the general subject.  However, a muddled understanding or major confusion regarding the subject matter is evident.

5-9% Disastrous Fail

No real effort to answer the question. Answer is totally irrelevant or comprises of no more than a few sentences.

0-4% Abysmal Fail

A blank or near-blank script. A response which entirely fails to address the question.