
[Accounting] 회계학 영국 수능 대비 노트 (작성중)

jeanson 2010. 6. 7. 09:46

제가 12학년 AS-level 회계학 시험을 처음 치르기 시작했을 때부터 13학년 마지막 회계학 수능과목 시험을 치르기까지 무려 2년에 걸쳐 수정 반복을 거듭해 만들어온 시험 대비 노트입니다.   3 넘게 가지고 있었는데 공책으로 쓰여져 있지 않고 A4용지 여러 묶음으로 되어 있다 보니까 보관 정리 문제가 있더라구요 그래서 아예 종이 한장한장 스캔해서 파일로 가지고 있어야 겠다 생각이 들었습니다

제가 필기했던 노트들을 쭈욱 훑어봤는데 역시 영국 수능과목은 지금봐도 일반 대학교1학년 전공기초과목에 버금가는 내용입니다 영국대학은 1학년부터 바로 기초전공과목을 배우지 않고 일반 전공과목을 학생들에게 배우게 하는지 다시 한번 알게 되었습니다

시험대비 요점노트를 필기한게 종이가 40 가까이 됩니다그래서 그걸 올리지는 못하고 제가 이제 지금은 당연히 알고 있는 것은 이젠 버리고 회계학을 처음 배울 정말 기본적인 내용들, 제가 회계학을 배우기 시작했을 정말 헷갈렸던 부분들을 중점적으로 파일을 올리거나 포스팅 글에 필기 내용을 쓰도록 하겠습니다

양이 많은 관계로 하루에 올리지는 못하고 조금씩 조금씩 짬날 때마다 같은 글에서 수정하면서 올리도록 할테니 글이 완성 글이 때까지 자주 확인해주셨으면 좋겠습니다제가 올린 글들이 A-level 영국수능을 공부하는 영국 유학생과 국내든 어디는 회계학을 처음 접하는 1학년 분들에게 조금이라도 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다내용은 일단 회계 account 작성법, dr/cr (차변,대변) 관한 내용부터 올리도록 하겠습니다

참고로 제가 2 작성한 노트들입니다 글씨가 조금 어린티가 나네요+_+

다음은, 기본적으로 당연히 알아야 Term 들입니다.

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are used in the course of the business, not intended for resale!

Tangible assets, used over a long period (more than one year)

i.e. Premises, machinery


Current Assets

Current assets are easily turned into cash.  Will be expected to be sold shortly

i.e. opening stock, debtors


Current liabilities

Short term liability, which needs to be paid within the next 12 months


Long-term liabilities

Amounts owed by the business which are due for repayment more than one year hence. 

i.e. bank loan over more than 1 year, mortgages etc



The term used to describe how easily an asset can be turned into cash


Debtors (, 이거 발음이 뎁터가 아니라 데터s 입니다, 묵음이에요ㅡㅡ)

People or organisations who paid on credit, i.e. that owe money to a business


People (or organisations) that the business owes money to



Recourses that are owed by an organisation



The term used to describe how much a business is worth.  It represents how much the owner(s) has/have invested in the business.

Trade Discount

A reduction in price by a supplier to a customer who is in the same line of business.  It is often processed when bulk buying.  It represents parts of profit margin


Cash Discount

A reduction in price charged for goods when a credit debtor settles the debt within a time stimulated by the supplier.  An allowance offered to encourage prompt payment.  It helps improve cash flow


Retained profits

Profits that are kept in a business for expansion purposes



The withdrawal of resources (cash or goods) from the business by the proprietor for private use outside the business


Capital expenditure

Spending on fixed assets or the improvement of fixed assets


Carriage inwards

An expense incurred when a supplier charges for delivery on the goods purchased



The book where all accounts are kept


Bank Reconciliation Statements (BRS)

Bank Statements Cash book 차이 나는 이유는 2개가 있습니다

-          Unpresented cheques (cheque drawn, not yet recorded on the bank)

-          Outstanding lodgements (미불 예금: amounts paid into the bank, not yet recorded on the bank statement)


BRS 작성하는 방법은 두가지가 있습니다


Balance as at per bank statement               

ADD amounts not yet credited

LESS unpresented cheques


Balance as per cash book


다른 방법은 칼럼 순서만 바꾸는 겁니다


Balance as per cash book

ADD unpresented cheques

LESS amounts not yet credited


Balance as per bank statement


Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared from the bank's viewpoint, thus a credit balance shows that the customer is a creditor of the bank.    In the customer’s own cash book, the bank is shown as a debit balance. 


Importance of BRS

BRS shows difference between cash book and the bank statement by comparing with each other.  In this way, any errors in the cash book or bank statement will be found and can be corrected or advised to the bank if the bank statement is wrong.  So it can reveal errors and omissions (e.g. bank charges) in the bank column of the cash book by comparison with the bank statement. 

만약에 시험에서 Bank reconciliation statement 중요성을 말하여라- 라고 묻었을 , 모범 답안입니다.  괄호 안의 숫자는 1점입니다.  해당 문장 내용을 언급하면 1점을 얻는 뜻입니다.

-          To check the accuracy of the bank columns in the cash book (1 mark).  This involves comparing entries in the cash book with the bank statements (1), and missing entries accounted for (1). 

-          Bank error can be identified (1) and the bank notified for correction (1) and updating (1). 

-          It acts as a detergent to fraud (1).  Bank statement is an independent (1) accounting record prepared by the bank. 


다음은 Ratio에 대한 요점 정리입니다.

Financial Ratios

Financial ratios assess the liability of a business to pay its short-term liabilities as they fall due.

Solvency is the ability of a business to settle its debts when they (creditors) require payment. 

Long term investors are mainly interested in the solvency of the business.  They wish to examine and analyse the components of working capital in detail.

Current Ratio (= Working capital ratio)
This ratio shows how many times the current assets are covering the current liabilities. 
If a series of results shows that the current ratio has been declining over a number of years, this may mean that the business might have some difficulties in meeting its short-term obiligations in the future.  

반대 상황이면, the business is tying up an increasing proportion of its resources in stock, debtors and bank balances, i.e. non-productive assets

A reasonable current ratio is between 1.5:1 and 2:1.  The ratio will depend on the type of business and the direction of any trend


Current assets/current liabilities  :  1

The luquid ratio (Acid test ratio, quick ratio라 불리기도 함)
The least liquid of the current asset is stock.  The liquid ratio tests the ability of the business to cover its current liabilities with its current assets other than stocks.

Current assets – stock/current liabilities   :  1

Debtors' collection period (Debtor days)

Debtors x 365/credit sales

We always round to the next full day.

Creditors' collection period (Creditor days)

Creditors x 365/credit purchases


Rate of stock turnover

Cost of sales/Average stock held during the year


Average stock x 365/cost of sales  (이때 단위는 days)

The higher the rate of stock turn the better, since this means that stock is kept in the business for a shorter length of time.

Working capital cycle

This shows the length of time taken between making payments for goods taken into stock and the receipt of cash from customers


The cycle can be shortened by

- Reducing stock levels held

- Speeding up debtor collection

- Delaying payment to creditors


Working capital cycle = Rate of stock turn over (days) + debtor collection period (days) – creditor days (days)  

다음은 Investment Ratios