
[영국대학] 기업 채용 선호 Top 20 대학 순위 2009

jeanson 2010. 5. 24. 10:53


첨부 파일 자료 보시면 랭킹 순위에 대한 내용 뿐만 아니라 신입 연봉, industry별 대졸 진출 현황 등 상세 자료가 나와 있습니다 


• The majority of employers have been actively marketing their 2009 graduate vacancies at between 15 and 20 universities in the UK, using a variety of university careers fairs, campus recruitment presentations and local advertising.
• More than half of recruiters reported a greater interest from student job hunters in their on-campus events and promotions this year.
• The three universities most-often targeted by Britain’s top graduate employers in 2009 are Manchester, London (Imperial college, LSE, UCL) and Warwick.
• Two-thirds of employers said they had received more completed graduate job applications during the early part of the recruitment season than they had last year, but applications to investment banks and other City employers dropped significantly.