제가 제일 좋아하는 교수님입니다. 이유는, 이 교수님 수업을 듣고 난 후로, 문제해결을 모델링을 통해 해결하려고 하는 습관을 갖게 되었기 때문입니다. IT에 금융을 또는 금융에 IT를 접목한 실제 비즈니스 케이스 스터디를 수업 시간에 예제로 설명해주셔서 너무 좋았구요. 수업 내용도 알차고 재밌고 모델링에 대해 많은 관심을 갖게 해주신 분입니다. 그리고 맥킨지 컨설팅회사서 근무하셨을 당시의 업무 에피소드도 수업 내용과 연계해 설명해주셔서 흥미있게 들었습니다.
다음은, 제가 전공하고 있는 BA(Hons) AMAIS 커리큘럼 트랙 학과장을 맡고 계신, Dr Pedro Sampio님의 프로필 소개 내용입니다.
Dr Pedro R Falcone Sampaio is a Lecturer in Business Technology and Information Systems and a former business technology consultant of McKinsey & Company. Dr Sampaio has published extensively in the topics of e-Service Design, Requirements Engineering, Fraud Management Processes and Technologies, Business Process Management, Information Systems Architectures, Data Quality, CRM, Agile Software Processes, Deductive Database Architectures, and Query Processing. He has also developed Knowledge Reports for McKinsey & Company's Internal CRM Practice Knowledge Base.
Dr Sampaio has led and participated in research/consulting projects both in the UK, Latin America and USA in the Telecom, Banking and IT industries in topics relating to Business Process Management, Customer Relationship Management, IT Architecture development, Security Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Internet Strategy Development, Risk Management, Call Centre Consolidation and Internet Banking. Dr. Sampaio's research has been funded by EPSRC (Case Award EP/C537750/1) by SMEs in the United Kingdom and by Brazil's National Research Council (CNPq), Brazil's Special Training Programme (PET/CAPES) and Sao Paulo's State Research Council (FAPESP). Dr. Sampaio has acted as an academic partner to IBM/UK developing joint teaching initiatives between IBM/UK and the University,of Manchester since December 2006. Dr. Sampaio has also given invited seminars at Cambridge University's Security Engineering Group (January,2010) and at IBM/UK Smarter Planet Events (Royal Academy of Engineering, March 2010). Dr. Sampaio has published more than 30 international peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and supervised 5 successful Ph.D. students.
Dr Sampaio holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Science from The University of Manchester, an Executive Mini-MBA Sponsored by McKinsey & Company and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Campinas in Brazil.
Consulting roles in CRM strategy, Credit Scoring Design, Call Center Operations Design, Business Process Reengineering, B2B operations, e-Banking Strategy Development and Data Warehouse Architecture Design (McKinsey & Company)
Industries: Banking, e-Business, Telecom
Strategy Design and Formulation: CRM, Credit & Collections, IT Outsourcing, IT Architecture, e-Operations: B2B, B2C, e-Government, Micropayment Exchanges
Business Process Design and Implementation: CRM, Credit Scoring, Collections, IT Management, Call Center Management
IT: Data Warehousing, IT Architecture design, Vendor Selection, Requirements Engineering, e-Business Operational Model Development, e-Service Design