맨체스터대학교 졸업

MBA 과정

jeanson 2010. 4. 13. 07:28

영국 대부분 비즈니스스쿨의 MBA기간이 1년제임에 비해 Manchester Business School London Business School MBA기간은 각각 무려  18개월, 2년입니다

저희 학교가 프로젝트를 무지 좋아하는 지라, 물론 프로젝트가 없는 비즈니스 스쿨이 있겠느냐마는 저희 학교가 압도적으로 더 많은 같습니다

영국은 이미지 왠지 딱딱하고 클래식하고 고전적이라 많은 분들이 생각하시겠지만 사실, 영국 교육은 실용주의를 강조하며 이는 영국 MBA에도 그대로 반영이 됩니다

Total tuition fees for Full-time MBA programme September 2010:

Tuition fees for the Full-time MBA

Pounds sterling


US Dollars





생각보다 비싸지는 않은 것 같습니다케임브리지대학교나 옥스포드의 비즈니스스쿨은 MBA 과정이 1년제임에도 불구, tuition fees만 각각 7천만원, 6천만원이 넘습니다



Living Expenses (최소 생활비용)

Estimated Living expenses for a single student (for 18 months): £13,500 (including accommodation)

The cost of living in Manchester is significantly lower compared with London and many other major European capital cities. You experience the benefit of living in the UK's most important, energetic and booming centre for business and culture outside of the capital, with a much cheaper budget. Manchester Business School is on the edge of the city centre; ideally placed to give you access to all that Manchester has to offer. London is only 2 hours by train and Manchester International airport just a 15 minute drive, meaning that you're well connected to Europe and beyond. The University of Manchester is the most popular university for applications in the UK.

Full-time MBA Admission Process

How do we evaluate your application?

The Full-time MBS admission process is very thorough and enables us to create a class, which gives you the opportunity to work with an outstanding peer group. Within our Full-time MBA class there is no such thing as a 'standard' MBA student.  Each student brings a range of different experiences to benefit the learning of everyone.




Initial review

When complete, your application will be reviewed by a member of the MBA Admissions Team.  We will consider your application form, answers to the admissions questions, CV/résumé, transcripts and professional references, to assess the strength of your application across all the areas discussed in the detailed admissions requirements. If successful in this initial stage we will invite you to attend an interview.  Please see the application deadlines to find out when you can expect to hear if you are being invited to an interview.


Interview stage

If successful at the initial review stage, we will invite you to an interview.  The interview forms a very important part of our assessment of your suitability for a place on the Full-time MBA programme.  During the interview we will explore further your experience, competencies, personal qualities and motivation.

Depending on our recruitment/interview schedule, you will be interviewed by MBS staff or MBA alumni in your own country, on-campus at MBS, or by telephone.  Where possible we prefer to arrange a face-to-face interview.  Interviews are by invitation only and form an important part of our assessment.  Please see the application deadlines for advice about in-country interview schedules.


Final MBA Admissions Committee decision

After the interview has been conducted a final decision is made by the MBA Admissions Committee. The Committee normally meets every week, so once you have been interviewed you will receive a decision very quickly.

We take all our requirements into consideration when we evaluate your application.  Entry is competitive, so we also assess your potential compared to other similar candidates. We will also consider whether your post-MBA career goals are realistic and whether our Full-time MBA programme will help you fulfil them.


Offer and acceptance stage

If you are offered a place we normally allow a period of four-six weeks to accept and confirm your place.  Upon acceptance we will require a non-refundable first reservation fee of £1,000. A non-refundable second reservation fee of £2,000 will be required by 1 June 2010.

If you are offered a place after 1 June 2010, then you will be required to pay a deposit of £3,000 to confirm your place.


Full-time MBA registration

The starting date of the Full-time MBA programme is Tuesday 24 August 2010

The first four weeks of the MBA cover the Introductory module.  The Introductory module has been designed to help you to settle into the Business School environment, your life in Manchester, and prepare for your MBA studies.  There will be no formal assessment during the Introductory module, however attendance is mandatory. 

New students may arrive a little apprehensive wondering what their new MBA life is going to be like but are usually happy to find a whole class of like-minded, friendly, motivated people eager to get to know each other and embrace as fully as possible the MBA experience.

기타 자세한 사항은 MBA 홈페이지에 들어가 보시기 바랍니다. 링크